Colorful bubbles with centrally the text 'AI Hackathon', and a FINN logo in the bottom right

Driving the future of mobility with an AI Hackathon at FINN

How do you get a bunch of disruptive minds together in a (virtual) room to build innovative AI applications? Organize a hackathon! During the FINN feat. AI Hackathon held on May 30, participants embarked on a one-day challenge to generate measurable business impact by leveraging AI to solve problems. Solutions developed ranged from automated vehicle damage recognition and GPT-4-powered dynamic car pricing to a bot to answer queries about vehicles directly from Slack....

June 7, 2023 · 6 min · 1235 words · Kosara Golemshinska, Chris Meyns
Top aerial view of a green forest landscape with a meandering road in the middle

AI and talent acquisition

Talent acquisition is a super critical function for any organisation that aims to attract and retain top talent in an increasingly competitive marketplace! The traditional approach to talent acquisition has been very labour-intensive and time-consuming, involving daily manual screening of resumes, conducting interviews, and evaluating candidates based on both subjective and objective criteria. However, advancements in AI are creating massive disruptions to the way organisations approach talent acquisition, providing a more efficient and effective way to identify the best fit and best add candidates for the job....

April 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1098 words · Niven Batchelor
Workflow with Rossum for automating incoming invoice processing

Using to superpower OCR with machine learning

At FINN, we strongly believe in the principle of do it, do it, automate it. If you find yourself doing something manually twice, you should find a way to automate the process. This holds just as true when it comes to the precious details of invoices and financial document processing. Within the FINN Finance team, we’ve recently started using a platform called Rossum that helps us improve the automatic optical character recognition (OCR) of documents....

November 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1438 words · Gazala Muhamed, Chris Meyns