Our Make monitoring dashboard.

How we monitor our Make instance at FINN

Introduction In this post, I’m going to show you how we monitor our Make instance at FINN as a Make Enterprise customer. I’ll run you through why we monitor our instance, how the technical setup works, and how Datadog helps us to stay on top of problematic Make scenarios. Background At FINN, we use Make extensively to help us automate business processes. We are one of Make’s biggest customers, with about 3,500 active scenarios, running for a total of about 20,000 minutes (or 13....

September 7, 2023 · 12 min · 2359 words · Delena Malan
Lots over colorful pipes going into different directions

Running Steampipe on AWS Fargate

Are you using Steampipe to query your cloud services, such as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment? Are you using the results for reporting, security checks, governance or other important tasks in your organization? And are you tired of having to run those queries from your local machine or an AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance? In this blog post we’ll delve into running Steampipe directly from inside AWS itself, without setting up an EC2 instance....

June 21, 2023 · 17 min · 3569 words · Frederik Petersen
Overview of deployed code with an API framework

Why I don’t like API frameworks together with Serverless

This blog was originally published here. Every time when creating a new API that is meant to be serverless, I consider or have been asked to consider using an API framework together with a serverless application framework like Serverless Framework or AWS SAM. So far, I have found none that impress me. Here’s why: They do not promote modularity If you have a look at frameworks like serverless-http or nestjs + serverless, or at zappa + flask for python lovers, all of them follow the same pattern:...

May 2, 2022 · 4 min · 723 words · Ishtiaque Zafar
Screen with the heading 'connect git', with several options presented of version control systems to select

Preview deployments with Serverless Framework on GitLab

If you are using Serverless Framework, it already has a built-in preview deployment feature with Serverless CI. You can read A Guide to Preview Deployments with Serverless CI/CD for more information. Serverless Dashboard - CI/CD settings Serverless CI supports GitHub and Bitbucket out of the box and you can manage it from Serverless Dashboard by going to your project’s CI/CD settings. In this post, you will be reading about how to implement preview deployments by using GitLab CI/CD....

January 8, 2022 · 4 min · 822 words · Emin Buğra Saral